MrQcom has confirmed the next Dogs On The Street charity bingo game will commence on December 28 from 8pm to 9pm. The bingo games will take place every 10 minutes with real money prizes.

The first game, held on the 4th of November, was a massive success – raising a total of £1902.80 for DOTS in ticket sales and contributions. The rules remain the same for the next 90 ball game with tickets costing 20p (minimum six tickets needed). All sales will once again go to the homeless dogs charity alongside a £1,000 contribution from MrQ. Prizes will also remain the same with 1 line of £20, 2 lines of £30 and a full house of £50, the final game will feature a jackpot of £450.

MrQ’s head of acquisition, James Booth, said: “After the amazing response we saw from our first charity event it was all too clear that we had to do another, and we see this as the start of an ongoing plan to help a range of charities in the future. The success of such events is all down to the players; the more interest we have, the more we earn for the charity, so as long as the appetite is there, we’ll continue to play our part 바카라사이트 .”

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